Anderson’s Gasoline Engine Oil Change Loyalty Program

In 2019, we partnered with BG Prairie Distributors to adopt their line of premium synthetic oils and fluids to ensure that our shop provides the best care we can for our customers’ vehicles. In June of 2020, after evaluating the products and their effectiveness, we built an engine oil change loyalty incentive program for gasoline vehicles based around some of their products.

We understand that, as an appointment-based business, we may not have the same convenience as drop-in service stations, so we created this program to highlight our strengths and incentivize customers to return to us for maintenance work. At our shop, every time we see your vehicle we build a service record. At most appointments, your vehicle will receive a courtesy inspection so that you are informed about any potential issues before they become critical, which allows you to plan and budget accordingly, whether you choose to perform repairs now or later. This means that, if you choose to follow our maintenance service intervals, you know your vehicle has been regularly inspected and maintained.

How the Program Works

Every gasoline vehicle booked in for the first engine oil change at our shop receives a complementary can of BG Motor Oil Additive (MOA). After that, if you choose to use us for further oil change service work, an additional can of complementary MOA is included at every fourth engine oil change. On top of that, we will include a complementary BG Engine Performance Restoration (EPR), which is a hot oil flush service before the oil change, at every eighth oil change.

  • Complementary MOA at the first engine oil change.

  • Complementary MOA at every fourth oil change.

  • Complementary EPR and MOA at every eighth oil change.

What the Products Do

BG MOA is an engine oil additive that increases the lubricity of your vehicle’s engine oil, which means that moving parts build less heat due to lower friction, so parts last longer, your engine oil degrades more slowly, and the vehicle gives off fewer harmful emissions.

BG EPR is an engine oil system cleaner. EPR goes into the existing engine oil and then is heated either by idling or driving to allow it to dissolve old engine sludge and carbon deposits present in the system, which then drain out with the old engine oil and leave your engine internals cleaner than when it arrived. After the drain, on our loyalty program, MOA is added to the vehicle’s new oil to maintain performance in a clean engine and to give it its best chance at maximum longevity.

Why it Matters to You

If you see us for your vehicle maintenance work, and you follow our recommended service intervals for engine oil changes (every 6500km), then your vehicle will receive an upgraded oil change every 26,000km, and it’ll have it’s oil system cleaned out every 52,000km, both at no extra charge beyond a normal engine oil change.

Fundamentally, both of these products are good for maintaining the condition and longevity of your vehicle. While EPR, as a system cleaner, may not be necessary at every oil change, MOA is beneficial every time. Customers can choose to add it on top of a regular oil change between the complementary instances of our loyalty program.

Because BG stands by its products, many of them come with associated coverages for the vehicle systems in which their fluids are active, including MOA and EPR. Vehicles that start regular services with BG products before 120,000km and carry on with these services after that mileage mark may be covered against some part failures under the BG Lifetime Protection Plan. However, we aren’t insurance salesmen, so we always say that the products should be considered for their merits for the vehicle, and the insurance should be considered a bonus. See below on this page for more information on BG and the products available at our shop, and see [link] for more information on their Lifetime Protection Plan and [link] for its requirements.

Why Use Our Service Interval?

You’ll notice that the service manuals for modern vehicles call for oil changes anywhere from every 10,000km to 18,000km. This, frankly, is nonsense. While modern synthetic automotive oils are much better than those that used to be available, they are not so miraculous as to perform optimally in our climate over an 18,000km span. Since these oil change intervals have been extended by manufacturers, and since the oil change minder lights that inform drivers about the supposed remaining oil life percentage in the vehicle were widely adopted, the numbers of engine repairs and replacements we perform at the shop has increased drastically. Our shop motto around here is “oil is cheaper than parts,” and that’s reflected in our engine oil change interval.

The interval we use is informed by our technicians, who have noticed in their experience that engine oil seems to start degrading and getting dirty around the 6,000km mark, and that 6,500km is usually the proper time to change it. Obviously not all engines are created equally, and oil consumption varies between vehicles, but the best way to be sure is to check your oil regularly. Don’t wait until it’s dark brown or black because it forms sludge and no longer dissipates heat as effectively as it could. Light-brown oil is changeable oil. See the General Repair and Preventative Maintenance section of our Services page [link] for our recommended service intervals for all fluids.

Once you’ve been a customer of ours for a few appointments, we use predictive software for driving habits so that we can send out maintenance reminders to our customers right around the proper time for service based on kilometers travelled or time since last service. If you receive our texts a few times and notice that the oil in your engine doesn’t seem to be dirty enough to change yet, simply let us know and we can tailor our software to a different kilometer or time intervals.



BG Prairie Distributors

BG offers a broad collection of products designed to improve and maintain your vehicle’s condition and performance, whether gasoline or diesel. The carousel above displays the products available to us and those regularly used in our shop.

BG Lifetime Protection Plan

Many BG products are associated with part coverages for their specific system in the vehicle, so, provided your vehicle meets the specifications at the time of the initial service, and that the services are kept up to date, your vehicle may receive some added insurance against some part failures simply by using BG products. For example, using MOA and EPR in a qualifying vehicle could offer it a maximum of $6,000 worth of coverage in case of part failures while BG products are present.

There are some basic rules:

  • The vehicle cannot be more than 20 years old at the time of the initial service.

  • The vehicle cannot have exceeded 120,000km by the time of the initial service, or 200,000km if BG dynamic engine restoration service has been performed.

  • Regular maintenance using BG products must be proven via invoice history on the vehicle by a partnered shop (us), especially if the vehicle is past the mileage threshold by the time a claim must be made.

  • Vehicles cannot be too heavily modified from factory depending on the type of claim being made.

  • The BG products providing the coverage must be present in the system for which a claim is being made at the time of the part failure.

For more complete terms, conditions, and coverage figures, see BG’s own general information page [link], or the Lifetime Protection Plan specific page [link].

BG On the Road

BG On the Road is a service similar to CAA. As a complementary feature of using BG products we will give you an On the Road card with your invoice, which you can use to activate the service. It is specific to the vehicle serviced with BG products, and the member number will be listed on the invoice. The service takes two or three days to get up and running, after which point it lasts for six months and can be used twice for any of the services listed in the image to the left.

For most of these services, the customer pays for it up front and the BG OTR program reimburses them.

For complete information and limitations, see BG’s own OTR site [link].